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BlogCloud OverviewsSelecting the Right Cloud Provider: Key Considerations for Moving to the Cloud

Selecting the Right Cloud Provider: Key Considerations for Moving to the Cloud

Selecting the Right Public Cloud Provider: Key Considerations for Moving to the Cloud

The public cloud has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. In fact, according to Melanie Posey, Research Director for Cloud and Managed Services Transformation at 451 Research, it’s entering its teen years (but who’s counting?). And if there’s one thing some teenagers are known for, it’s “drama and complexity,” she says. 

Although more than 50 percent of organizations have already adopted the public cloud to some extent, companies of all sizes aren’t leveraging its full potential. One of the underlying challenges organizations face is a growing skills gap. As vendors introduce new tools and features, users are becoming increasingly wary of their ability to use them. Five years ago, 50 percent of organizations told 451 Research they felt confident in their cloud skills. In 2021, that confidence dropped down to just 15 percent.

And the skills gap extends to another element of cloud complexity: the buying process. From various cost models to the vast array of available capabilities, choice paralyzes buyers. Hyperscalers, in particular, offer so many bells and whistles that mapping them back to company needs is difficult.  

In this video, Posey shares her recommendation for approaching cloud investments with a strategic eye. “There’s a whole universe of alternative providers out there that offer a more foundational set of services to start with,” she says.

This post is part of our “The Alternative Cloud: Analyst Corner” video series, produced in partnership with 451 Research, featuring practical advice from industry-leading cloud experts on today’s best cloud strategies.


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