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BlogContainers (Kubernetes, Docker)LKE Now Supporting Kubernetes v1.21.1

LKE Now Supporting Kubernetes v1.21.1


We understand how important it is to make sure version upgrades are released to users as quickly as possible and make this effort an ongoing priority. We plan for it, allocate resources, and continually aim to shorten the time from release to support on our products.

In April 2021, Kubernetes released Version 1.21.1: Power to the Community, which included a number of big enhancements. Once released, the Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) product team started the rigorous series of CNCF Kubernetes Conformance tests—339 in all—that every certified Kubernetes provider has to run cluster deployments through. 

In June, we successfully added support for Kubernetes v1.21.1 to ensure our users had the most up-to-date, stable version within LKE. This particular set of upgrades help you take advantage of: 

  • The general availability status of CronJobs to perform recurring actions such as backups, report generation, etc.
  • A new field added to Immutable Secrets and ConfigMaps that rejects changes to those objects, ensuring your application configuration won’t change.
  • Graceful Node Shutdown (now in Beta) that allows the kubelet to be aware of node shutdown and gracefully terminate pods that are scheduled to that node

Get started testing these new features Kubernetes clusters deployed via the Cloud Manager, API, or CLI. If you are considering adopting managed Kubernetes as part of your workloads, we have robust documentation to assist in that evaluation. 

Please note ipv4/ipv6 dual-stack support is not currently available in the Linode Kubernetes Engine with the release of Kubernetes v1.21.1. This feature is under consideration with our product development team.


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