Why is my TCP connection being refused from outside my server?

Hello I have set up an ssh tunnel as follows:
/usr/bin/ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -R 22000: -N mylinode.domain.com

In my firewall, I have opened port 22000 for TCP and UDP for this host.

On mylinode, I can connect locally to the tunnel, with telnet localhost 22000

However, I cannot connect from another machine using the equivalent command. It gives the error: "Connection refused" immediately.

rcook@MacBook-Pro-2021 (obsidian-media-db-plugin (master)): nc -zv mylinode.domain.com 22000
nc: connectx to mylinode.domain.com port 22000 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

What might cause this? Thanks for any help.

1 Reply

This has resolved itself mysteriously. I have no idea what was causing it or what resolved it.


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