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In The Node Newsletter
March 2023

In the Node: Announcing Marketplace Cluster Deployments

A new feature in our Marketplace allows you to deploy highly-available database clusters for PostgreSQL, Galera, MongoDB, and Redis. Similar to our one-click apps, you can now configure and deploy a 3-node database cluster in just a few minutes. Also, take our Functions as a Service survey, which will give our product development teams valuable insight into how we design this new service.
Featured Guides
Redis, the popular in-memory data store, uses Lua for scripting. When employed with a Redis database, Lua script logic is executed on the database server, allowing the logic to be reused across an application, often increasing performance and database atomicity. Read this guide to explore examples of using Lua scripting with Redis.
Supabase is a powerful Firebase alternative that provides a host of features, such as automatic APIs, out-of-the-box authentication integrations, real-time subscriptions, and edge functions, all provided to help application developers build quickly and scale. Following this guide, you’ll use Next.js to create an application frontend powered by Supabase.
Configure and deploy a PostgreSQL, Galera (MariaDB), MongoDB, or Redis 3-node cluster in just a few minutes using Ansible Playbooks. Running your database in a cluster increases performance and availability by enabling backend load balancing and fault tolerance. Create your cluster now.
We’ve been doing a lot of work under the hood to enable our expansion efforts and want to continue sharing what goes on behind the scenes. We’re building for the future with infrastructure improvements, including more powerful CPUs, NVMe local storage, and firmware updates.
Our roadmap includes a number of new products including functions as a service (FaaS). If you’re running serverless workloads or considering a FaaS product we’d appreciate your feedback. This short survey should take no more than five minutes and will give our product development teams valuable insight.
Open Source
This article discusses the concept of horizontal autoscaling, vertical autoscaling, and cluster autoscaling, along with their use cases and considerations.
Here’s how to change your Linux command prompt to something you might like better.
New on YouTube
Check out some of our latest YouTube uploads and make sure you subscribe to our channel for more tutorials and other content from Linode advocates and guest experts.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
April 17-21
Salt Lake City, UT | April 19-27
Until next time,
Team Linode
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