How do in login to Beef with linode

I have been trying to log in to the beef auth page and no matter what I put it nothing works. I'm wondering if I missed something in the setup manual but if not then what else can I do to actually access the beef software?

1 Reply

Linode Staff

I tested this out for myself to see if the Beef framework would launch. After going through our BeEF Marketplace guide on how to set it up through the Marketplace, it mentioned that it takes 10-15 minutes to launch after the Linode has finished provisioning:

Software installation should complete within 10-15 minutes after the Linode has finished provisioning.

Once the software was installed on my Linode, I ran the following command to output the URL needed to visit the Beef Framework:

cat /root/

The output should look similar to something like this:

cat /root/
Endpoint: https://$
Credentials can be found here:
Happy hunting!

You should find your login credentials in a similar directory as the below output:


Afterwards, I was able to retrieve my credentials and successfully navigated to that URL in a web browser where a login-screen was generated.


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